Email Marketing Tips

Maximizing email deliverability is essential for businesses that rely on email marketing to reach their customers and prospects. While email server configuration plays a critical role, it's not the only factor to consider. For teams that don't have a dedicated marketing professional, it's important to be aware of best practices and tools that can help maintain a healthy domain reputation and email trust score.

With over a decade of email marketing experience behind the SH Consulting team, we assist companies in advising on email marketing strategies and techniques that allow making the most out of outreach campaigns. We are pleased to provide you with a list of email marketing recommendations and tools that was designed based on personal experience, observations, and best practices in the industry.

This comprehensive list aims to help businesses without a dedicated marketing professional to improve their email deliverability rates, maintain a healthy domain reputation, and boost their email trust scores. By implementing these best practices and utilizing the recommended tools, you can enhance your email marketing campaigns' effectiveness, achieve better engagement with your audience, and ultimately drive greater returns on your marketing investment.

What’s included


  1. Tips for Warming up Your Email and Domain for Effective Mass Mailing;

  2. CAN-SPAM Act: How to Avoid Violations;

  3. Importance of Email Engagement Strategy;

  4. Spam Trigger Words in Email Marketing;

  5. General vs Personal Email Address Usage;

  6. Email Subject Line Advice;

  7. Safe Email Bounced Rate;

  8. Website Links in Emails;

  9. IP / Email Blacklists;


  10. Monitor Deliverability with Smart Network Data Service (Outlook Users);

  11. Monitor Deliverability with Google Postmaster (Gmail Users);

  12. Check Email Content & Domain Authentication;

  13. Check Spam Trigger Words in Email Template;

  14. Email Verification to Clean up the Database;

  15. Seed Lists to Test Email Placement.

If you are interested in obtaining further information regarding our list of Email Marketing Tips, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at or through the contact form located on our website's Contact Page. We would be more than happy to provide you with additional details and answer any questions that you may have.

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