SH Consulting: Our Email Server Configuration Process

In our previous article, we delved into how email transmission operates between different email servers, examined the most crucial email authentication protocols, and analyzed an example of basic email server configuration.

It is worth noting that the complexity of each configuration depends on a company's email technology stack, the desired security level to be achieved, and any additional features, tools, and protocols to be implemented.

When you engage SH Consulting as your email tech support professional, you can rest assured that the configuration process will be completed swiftly, with zero downtime for your email servers. Moreover, we'll schedule the work during nighttime hours in your timezone, when the load on your email infrastructure is at its lowest.

So, what’s the process?

The configuration process involves implementing email security protocols that safeguard your communications and bolster the trustworthiness of your messages. These protocols, such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, help verify the authenticity of your email server and protect against forgery and phishing attempts.

Upon request, we at SH Consulting can also implement TLS-RPT and MTA-STS protocols that encrypt your communication channel, rendering it impervious to compromise by malicious actors or unauthorized interception.

To further bolster confidence in your email accounts, we can implement the Brand Indicator Message Identification (BIMI) record, ensuring that your emails are easily identifiable and trustworthy for your recipients.

On top of that, to help you manage your domain reputation and email trust score, we will implement the Google Postmaster tool. This resource provides valuable insights and analytics on your email activities, empowering you to monitor email deliverability and optimize campaign performance.

Choosing to work with SH Consulting means receiving top-notch service, cutting-edge email security implementations for your email server, and the benefit of our many years of experience in the field — all within a short timeframe. Don't hesitate to reach out to us at, and we'll respond to your inquiry promptly.


BIMI Record: Enhancing DMARC and Reinforcing Email Authenticity


What is Email Deliverability: Tips, Practices & Configuring Email Servers