What is Email Deliverability: Tips, Practices & Configuring Email Servers

Emails are an essential tool for communication in today's world. Whether it's for personal or business purposes, it's crucial that our emails reach the intended recipient's inbox. Unfortunately, sometimes our emails can end up in the recipient's spam folder or even get rejected by the recipient's email server. This is where email deliverability comes into play.

What is Email Deliverability

What is Email Deliverability?

Email deliverability is the ability of an email to reach its intended recipient's inbox without being marked as spam or rejected by the recipient's email server. Proper server configuration is essential to achieving this. One of the critical aspects of email server configuration is the use of authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.

Why Does Email Deliverability Matters?

Email deliverability is crucial because it directly impacts the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Deliverability determines whether an email reaches its intended recipient's inbox or gets lost in spam filters. High deliverability rates mean a higher chance of engagement, as emails are more likely to be opened and read.

According to data, the average email open rate across industries is about 21.33%. However, poor deliverability can significantly lower this rate, reducing the potential impact of your message. Effective deliverability ensures that your carefully crafted content reaches and resonates with your audience, thereby improving the ROI of your email marketing efforts. It's also essential for maintaining a good sender reputation, which further influences future email deliverability and overall campaign success.

How to Track Email Deliverability?

To track email deliverability effectively, you need to monitor several key metrics. First, keep an eye on the bounce rate, which indicates the percentage of emails not delivered to recipients' inboxes. A high bounce rate can signal deliverability issues. Next, track the open rate and click-through rate (CTR) to gauge recipient engagement. Low rates may suggest your emails are being marked as spam or are not appealing to your audience. Additionally, pay attention to the spam complaint rate; frequent spam markings can harm your sender's reputation. Utilizing tools like Google Postmaster Tools or SendGrid provides detailed insights into these metrics, helping you understand and improve your email deliverability.

Email Server Configuration to Improve Email Deliverability

Configuring a mail server and implementing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC may seem like a complex task, but it's essential for ensuring that your emails reach their intended recipients' inbox. Here's a simple guide on how to configure your email server and implement these authentication protocols:

  1. Choose an Email Service Provider: An ESP is a company that provides email services, including email server configuration and email authentication protocols. Choose an ESP that supports SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.

  2. Create DNS records: SPF, DKIM, and DMARC require DNS records to be created for your domain. These records contain information that email servers use to verify the authenticity of your mails. You'll need to create TXT records for SPF and DMARC and CNAME records for DKIM.

  3. Configure SPF: To configure SPF, you need to create a TXT record in your domain's DNS. This record specifies the IP addresses of the servers authorized to send letters on behalf of your domain. You can create this record manually or use a tool provided by your ESP to create it automatically.

  4. Configure DKIM: To configure DKIM, you need to create a CNAME record in your domain's DNS. This record points to a DKIM key that is used to sign your emails. Your ESP should provide instructions on how to generate this key and create the record.

  5. Configure DMARC: To configure DMARC, you need to create a TXT record in your domain's DNS. This record specifies how email servers should handle emails that fail SPF and DKIM checks. You can specify whether these letters should be rejected or quarantined, and how you want to receive reports on DMARC activity.

  6. Test the configuration: Once you've configured SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, it's essential to test them to ensure that they're working correctly. You can use online tools such as Dmarcian or MX Toolbox to test your configurations.

At SH Consulting, we specialize in email deliverability consulting and are committed to enhancing your email server's configuration for optimal deliverability. Our goal is to ensure your emails consistently reach inboxes and avoid being flagged as spam. Should you have concerns about your email performance, we invite you to contact us at info@alexshakhov.com for expert assistance. We would be happy to help.

How to Improve Email Deliverability: Best 5 Practices for Your Email Campaigns

Improving email deliverability is crucial for successful mail campaigns. Here are the best five practices:

  1. Clean and Update Your Email List Regularly: Regularly remove inactive subscribers and incorrect email addresses. This helps maintain a high-quality list, reducing bounce rates and increasing the likelihood of your emails being opened.

  2. Authenticate Your Emails: Use authentication protocols like SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance). These protocols verify your emails' legitimacy, reducing the chance of them being marked as spam.

  3. Craft Engaging and Relevant Content: Ensure your letters provide value to your recipients. Use engaging subject lines to improve open rates and relevant, personalized content to increase engagement, thereby signaling email providers that your emails are welcome.

  4. Avoid Spam Triggers: Steer clear of words, phrases, and formatting commonly associated with spam. Excessive use of caps, overly promotional language, and large images can trigger spam filters, hindering deliverability.

  5. Monitor Your Metrics: Keep an eye on key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates. These insights can help you understand your campaign's performance and indicate areas for improvement in your email strategy.

By implementing these practices, you can significantly enhance the deliverability of your email campaigns, ensuring your messages reach your audience effectively.


In conclusion, mastering email deliverability is pivotal in the digital communication era, where emails are a vital tool for both personal and business correspondence. Understanding and implementing email deliverability principles, like proper server configuration and the use of authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, are essential for ensuring your messages reach their intended inboxes. The significance of email deliverability cannot be overstated – it directly influences the success of email marketing campaigns by affecting open rates and audience engagement. By monitoring key metrics, avoiding spam triggers, crafting engaging content, and maintaining a clean mail list, you can significantly improve your email campaign's impact. Remember, achieving excellent email deliverability is not just about avoiding the spam folder; it's about ensuring your message is seen, read, and acted upon. By following the guidelines and practices outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to optimize your email strategies for maximum effectiveness and maintain a strong sender reputation.

If you still have any questions, feel free to reach out to info@alexshakhov.com or schedule a 30-minute call by following this link.


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